+ 38 (066) 135-24-11 moc.liamg%40noitanlacigoloce

+ 38 (066) 135-24-11 moc.liamg%40noitanlacigoloce

Waste Audit

Take Your First Step to a Greener Future.

We know everything about waste sorting and recycling. Many companies and families want to join the eco initiatives but they simply don't know how to start. With our Waste Audit, you'll find the way to the greener future with garbage sorting and recycling. 

  • Start with a Waste Audit

    You can’t work with what you can’t measure. Our Waste Audit helps you understand and reduce your waste stream – and your environmental footprint. During the audit, our specialist collects, sorts, categorizes, weighs and photographs the items you usually throw into a waste bin. Our report gives a complete understanding of how much garbage you throw away daily and monthly, what kind of garbage it is, what categories it belongs to. Even after you start sorting and using our pickup services, we still do report to see the progress. 
    We help you identify:
    Opportunities to improve diversion by introducing a new waste handling or education program for staff;Problem areas in your office or home, helping you focus your efforts where they will do the most good; Inefficiencies which can decrease your management costs which when corrected.

  • Follow up with a Waste Reduction Work Plan

    Once a report is issued, we study it carefully and prepare a Waste Reduction Work Plan (WRWP) for you. The work plan is individually written according to your business or home needs. It helps achieve measurable reductions in your overall waste generation, with a focus on 100% using of recyclables. 
    Our staff can also provide:
    Building walkthroughs to ensure that your office or home is equipped with everything needed for sorting and recycling; Education sessions for your employees, teammates or relatives;Waste and recycling inspections to see how waste reduction programs are being used over some period; Planning special ecological events

  • LEED Certification

    LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is an internationally acclaimed green building certification program that means a company uses the best-in-class eco strategies and practices. To receive LEED certification, building projects must satisfy a range of prerequisites and earn some points according to different levels of certification.

Request a Waste Audit Quote

Let us take care of your next waste audit. We can provide a full audit or waste consulting services, depending on what your unique needs are.

Our Certifications


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