+ 38 (066) 135-24-11 moc.liamg%40noitanlacigoloce

+ 38 (066) 135-24-11 moc.liamg%40noitanlacigoloce


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    Waste Collection

    You have waste, we can pick it. We offer the best solutions and tariffs for your business or residential needs. The collection can be on an ongoing basic or one-time.

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    We can help you achieve the high diversion rate, reducing your costs and saving resources for next generations. We take your garbage to our rubbish recycling plant outside NY.

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    Put your organic waste to work as natural gas or electrical power and join the movement to a greener future. Plus, organic waste reuse brings you additional income.

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    Use our specialized sorting, shredding and recycling services for e-waste disposal in a safe way. Get rid of potentially dangerous energy sources.

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    Secure Shredding

    Safeguard your business, your brand and your clients with our secure certified shredding services for any types of paper. Destroy everything that needs to be destroyed.

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    Product Destruction

    We are ready to destroy your outdated/past-dated inventory, defective/recalled goods, work prototypes and more. On an ongoing basis or one-time only.

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    Waste Audit

    We understand your waste stream, offer individual tariffs and schedule for junk removal from your home or office. Our specialists make your home or office much cleaner.

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    Hazardous Substance

    Disposal of hazardous waste is an important norm of corporate social responsibility, a sign of a civilized attitude to the environment. We dispose all types of dangerous materials.

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